I have no patience for quilting, but when it comes to using quilter's tips for dyeing fabric, I'm a fan! I love the look of color wheel dyeing--mixing your primaries in different proportions to create a rainbow of fabric. I was going to try it out on some scraps to see how it would "turn out," then thought, why not just make a few silk belly dance veils out of the little experiment?
So here are my three primaries--Procion fuschia and turquoise, and a yellow I had on hand (the kind you find in tie-dye kits at the craft store). I then used the proportions listed on this site to mix my colors. Here are all of my little bottles--12 in all!
I then got to work! I decided to do one veil that would include all 12 colors, going fron left to right lengthwise. Then I did three that were sections of the color wheel: fuchsia to orange, yellow to blue-green, and turquoise to red-violet.
I had a bit of leftover dye so I had some fun doing a fire-style yellow and red veil and a bunch of zill bags. Keep your fingers crossed that they work out!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
New Etsy Item--Zill Bags!
I love these little zippered bags--they're perfect for stashing little things in style! In my shop I have them labeled as a zill bag, but I use them for everything from a wallet to a camera case. I dyed a batch to match the veils I was doing, so click here for the cobalt blue one, here for this one in lipstick pink, and here for its matching pink veil that I just posted.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
New Batch of Veils
I've been tie dying again! My Etsy store inventory was running low, so I did a very simple batch of silk bellydance veils--in the microwave! I've always wanted to try the microwave method instead of letting them sit overnight. I had an explosion on this one because I didn't let the steam bubble settle down enough before starting it up again, but luckily the microwave insides cleaned up well. This one is now posted for sale--it's a beautiful cobalt blue color.
And I did finally see Chivalry. It was worth the wait. =)