Probably my number one annoyance with this machine--the file format limitations! It can only use grade A or B Artista files--and after doing a whole lot of digging, I've discovered what that means. A grade A or B file is one that was digitized in the Artista software. If the design was originally in .PES or some other format and someone has just converted it to the Artista format, it will be a grade C. And your eMotions machine will not be able to use it. You can pull it up in the Explorations software, but when you try to send it to your machine, no go.
What does this mean for you? Well, all of those nifty (and probably pirated) CDs of designs available on eBay for cheap, even though they claim to be Artista files, will not work with your machine. When in doubt, always ask the file grade. So, you are basically limited to buying your designs from Bernina, or from someone who is digitizing using Artista software.
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