Sunday, November 23, 2008

Halloween Update 1: Alice in Wonderland

At long last, here are the results of my Halloween madness this year. Being a school librarian, I thought it would be appropriate for me to dress as something literary. So, having just read Beddor's Looking Glass Wars (fabulous, by the way!) I decided to be Alice in Wonderland. I originally planned to do something based on the original illustrations for Through the Looking Glass (hence the striped tights) but due to time constraints I ended up doing the Disney style apron instead. My sister gave my blonde wig a trim, added some bangs, and voila! The dress is made out of a fleece back satin, of all things (that I had in my stash), and I made a very simple net petticoat to wear underneath (aren't ruffling feet fabulous inventions?).

To keep up the literary theme, I talked my assistant into tackling a Regency-style dress, from Jennie Chancey's fabulous pattern (the Simplicity version), so she could be Jane Austen. She even did a corset--I was so proud!

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for reading The Looking Glass Wars! I hope you enjoyed your enthusiastic leap into the Pool of Tears, assisting Princess Alyss and Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan with their harrowing adventures into pop culture.

    I would like to share with you new revelations from Wonderland as they come into the Looking Glass Wars Library and Hatter M Institute. If you’re interested in receiving this confidential material, before it becomes public, please supply a secure email address.

    The LGW Librarian
