Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A cubby box, and some perfectionist therapy

Okay, so the boxes are turning out to be quite the project. But don't my costume books look nice?

I purchased a ten pack of plain ol' cardboard file boxes from OfficeMax--turns out they are the perfect size for the cubbies. So I reinforced them with tape, and after days of debate (cover them with paper? cover them with fabric?) finally decided on what to do. I wanted to match the Disney posters seen in the "before" pictures--blues, sage green, dusty pink--and give some contrast to the Kassett style white boxes for CDs and such I'd bought at Ikea.

Good news? All ten will be covered with fabric I already had in my stash! Bad news? Covering them takes forever! Here are the mint green ones--I have little white metal scrapbooking frames that will go on the front so I can list what's in them, and some cute ribbon to tie in the colors (thanks to a friend and her stash of scrapbooking stuff). It's a perfect fit for two rows of patterns, if you're looking for a way to tame your collection. =)

But I just couldn't face another night of cubby boxes, so last night I took a break and did some perfectionist therapy, aka tie dye. Check my eBay listings for some new veils in the next few days--unpredictable fun, as always!

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