Ah, Ikea. What a fabulous place--it makes you want to just redo your entire house while eating fresh cinnamon rolls. But I digress.
Last weekend I'm pretty sure my dad and brother set a world record for assembling a 5x5 Expedit bookcase! After reading several horror stories on the web about how impossible it was to put together, I warned them it could be quite a project. "Five hours to 40 minutes, that's what people say," I cautioned. Well, not to be outdone by anyone on the web, they set out to beat that. Thirty minutes flat, from unpackaging to finished product. And they claim it would have been faster but their materials delivery person was a bottleneck (ahem, that would be me, lugging the pieces upstairs.) Here they are being busy little worker bees--you can also see my newly painted blue wall behind them.
Next post--cubby boxes. Tons and tons of cubby boxes.
Did it in 10 mns, some people just don't have a pratik sense !!!! one of the easier from ikea, love it