Monday, July 23, 2012

Dreamy Marbled Pastel Veils!

So I just posted a new veil for sale, and thought it might be a good time to share a little tie-dye tip I discovered on accident!

I was making a large batch of veils a few months ago when I had a veil that I had tossed into a large plastic container. As I finished each color, I'd put some water into the squirt bottle, swish it around, then squirt it over this veil. I kept adding color upon color and it probably sat there for over an hour as I worked on other veils. Imagine my delight when the dye, having "puddled" on the bottom of this container, gave it kind of a marbled appearance.

So next time you are working on a large batch of tie dye, throw one into a big container and use it to collect your leftover dye at the end of each veil. These "casserole" veils as I like to call them are sometimes my favorites! Here's another example of one from my shop, which sold a few months ago:

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