Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Library Holidays: Hunger Games Week

So, I'm not quite sure why this photo is coming in sideways, but I kind of like it! So click on it if you'd like to see it in more detail, and in the meantime I'll see if I can figure out how to get Blogger to rotate it. =)

I like to have theme weeks in my school library to celebrate book releases, movies made from books--basically any excuse I can find to wear a costume. So when the Hunger Games movie came out, I knew it had to be an event!

I wore a different costume each day--here are three of my favorites: Effie Trinket, the Mockingjay Pin, and my interpretation of Katniss's "girl on fire" outfit. (I was Katniss in her blue dress and hunting outfit the other two days.)

During the week we had our own Hunger Games to choose the two library "tributes." The students all picked a name, and we made them pins with their district number. (We also had a few teachers participate!) We had lunch time challenges they could earn points for: costume design, shelter building, archery, trivia...

It was a fun week--can't wait for Catching Fire so we can do it all again!

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