Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Shirts for My Summer Wardrobe: Legal Pad T

Being a librarian means that I have a lot of semi-dressy, casual yet professional clothes. (That I am completely sick of by the time we hit the end of May!) But then what's a teacher to wear all summer?

Since 100+ degrees each day seems the norm lately, it would seem some t-shirts were in order. I have a stack of various "I ran this 5K" or "I visited here" shirts that would do, but I wanted something fun and with a little of my personality in them.

So I've been researching fun shirt ideas (and trying to avoid being sucked into the time warp vortex that is Pinterest) and experimented with a few and thought you might be interested in the results.

One of the best sites I've discovered on my quest for cute shirts is Ucreate. For my first t-shirt, I followed the directions for a Lined Paper Tee Tutorial by Maybe Matilda. Hers is done on a white shirt, and looks like a piece of lined notebook paper. So cute! On my recent trip to Joann's I had stocked up on their $2 junior fit t-shirts, and I had a yellow one that I wasn't sure what to do with. So I present my version, a legal pad tee!

I followed her directions for marking off the lines with masking tape, but then I airbrushed my lines with Createx paint instead of painting them by hand. I had a few problems with overspray so I tried to wash those out, and in the process my lines got wet. Guess what? They look exactly like a piece of paper does when it gets wet and the lines run. So I guess it's authentic. =)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's t-shirt--my first attempt at recycling an old shirt into something new!

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